The numerous mineral salts and trace elements included in its make-up turn this seawater plasma into a particularly revitalising hypertonic product providing revitalization and remineralization. Océanik Isotonic sea water contains all the minerals and trace elements in the same proportions as they occur in blood plasma. A number of elements are to be found only in traces, yet they are known to be essential to the assimilation of vitamins by the body, thereby making them indispensable to the health of the human organism. Océanik isotonic can restore the health of the organism by re-establishing biological equilibrium. They tend to revitalize the cells progressively by restoring the supply of all the minerals necessary to a fully-functionning metabolism.

The numerous mineral salts and trace elements included in its make-up turn this seawater plasma into a particularly revitalising hypertonic product providing revitalization and remineralization. This bio-energizing product is the ideal support for the body and mind during any type of stress (physical, intellectual or psychological) that uses up vital trace elements more quickly than normal. Used for : colonic irrigation, acne, skin treatment, nasal decongestion, dehydration, health supplement, mineral balance, strengthening the immune system, detoxify, maintain top physical performance, recovering from fatigue and stress, 100% natural supplement and fully assimilable by the body cells.

Fucobain cream is based on selected and micronized brown seaweed naturally rich in trace elements and mineral salts highly recommended for remineralizing, slimming and tonifying treatments. Fucobain restores the mineral and ionic balance and improves cell exchanges.
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